Art Art Computing Free Software Generative Art Projects

A GUI For draw-something

I’ve written a Gtk+ user interface for draw-something to help evaluate its output.

You’ll need the git repository for draw something, and cl-gtk2 installed:

(asdf:oos ‘asdf:load-op :asdf-install)
(asdf-install:install :cl-gtk2-gtk)
(asdf-install:install :cl-gtk2-cairo)

git clone http://OFFLINEZIP.wpsho/git/draw-soemthing.git

Then you can run the gtk.lisp script in src:

cd draw-something/src
sbcl –load gtk.lisp

And once you select “New Drawing” you can view the different stages of its development. Which is very useful. I must add a File menu so people can use this to save images as well.

draw-something gui 1

draw-something gui 2
Aesthetics Art Computing Generative Art Projects

From The Archives

This is probably the genesis of The Cybernetic Artworld


Wonder if I can find the code in my archives…

Aesthetics Art Computing Free Software

Streaming Aesthetics (Colour)




Download the version for your operating system above, expand the archive, and run the application. You will need Java installed. OpenJDK is OK, that’s why it’s an application rather than an applet (Processing doesn’t work with the OpenJDK browser plugin yet, bizarrely).

The application will ask you for a Twitter username and password. It needs this to connect to the Twitter streaming API and won’t use it for anything bad. You can’t use OAuth for the streaming API yet, so the application really does need a username and password to log in.

If you decide to run the application full screen, you can finish it by pressing the Escape key.

Source code included under the GPL v3.

(Update 2010-06-21 – Thanks to Zeroinfluencer and Laundryman for problem reports on Mac OS X and Windows. I’ve updated the downloads above.)
Aesthetics Art Computing Free Software

Work In Progress – Streaming Aesthetics

This is a visualization of common colour names as they appear in the main twitter stream –

twitsthaetics.pngThis is just a screenshot, I’ll show the live version when it’s finished. The colours are placeholders and (although you can’t see it) the animation needs improving. It’s written in Processing using a Scala-based Twitter Streaming API library.If this works well I’ll do shape and pattern ones. This is a follow up to “The Colour Of…”, “Friending The Aesthetic” and “Random Aesthetics”.

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Aesthetics Art Computing Free Software Generative Art Howto

Techo Art Roundup

HOW TO: Connect an anemometer to the Internet:

(I don’t like Pachube’s walled garden approach thought. We need a federated free equivalent, like StatusNet .)

“Binary Code View”, an offline show in London:

How exactly do you own a net based artwork?:

Art from its own data visualisation (not as good as my encoding of a LeWitt literally as itself, but still fun):

RSS feed icon pillow (want! or maybe I should make one…):

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Art Computing Free Culture

Processing Code Community Site Licencing

Processing is an art computing environment that has the (dis)advantage of being based on Java and capable of running in any web browser with a non-free Java plugin (which really needs fixing, guys). There are better languages and environments for art computing, but there are none with greater mindshare or more active communities.

There are a couple of websites that allow you to create, upload and share Processing "sketches" (programs), which is great. Processing was designed in part as a successor to the "Design By Numbers" educational graphics programming environment, and its use in design and generative art makes sharing code good for the progress and development of culture.


sketchPatch is very easy to use and allows you to write, compile and run Processing sketches in the browser. Sketches are licenced under Creative Commons’s Attribution-only licence. Which CC don’t recomment for code. MIT or the revised BSD licence would be better for a permissive/gift/psuedo-public-domain licence, and the GPL would be better for ensuring that people can use the code they contribute and build on.


OpenProcessing allows you to upload and share your sketches. The licencing is better than sketchPad – code is GPL the graphical output of the code presented on the website is BY-SA. But they do need to make it clear that the code is GPLv3 or later, and that BY-SA covers the non-code assets rather than the code, and that output from sketches is only BY-SA if presented on the site or it incorporates pre-existign BY-SA assets.

Neither site is Franklin Street free, you can’t get the source code for the websites/web services themselves.

Both sites are great resources for digital artists and designers. Tuning up the presentation of their licences, and ensuring they are free network services, would future proof them for their creators and their audiences.

Art Computing Free Culture

The Zero Dollar Laptop Project

Donate your old laptops to help Furtherfield with the Zero Dollar Laptop project!

In order to become a Zero Dollar Laptop your old laptop will need:-

  • a working screen
  • processor-a minumum 1GHz Pentium 3, Athlon, Celeron.
  • 256 (but more ideally 512) ram
  • wireless card would be helpful

See here for more information –

Aesthetics Art Computing Generative Art Projects


The Colour Of News –


Colours from the leading stories on leading news sites, updated hourly.

See the source here –


Art Computing Free Culture Generative Art Projects


A while ago I made a version of the old computer art language Mini-Explor. It’s a library or domain specific language in Fortran. I’ve tidied the code up a little and added it to my source repository here –


You can get it using git –

git clone http://OFFLINEZIP.wpsho/git/explor.git

For more information on Explor, see –

Aesthetics Art Computing

Nominato Ergo Blog

Careerism means not letting art production get in the way of promoting yourself. Actually doing things takes away valuable time that could be spent on schmoozing and self-promotion. The oh-if-I-must artistic pseudo-practice of choice squeezed in (and out) during spare moments by early 21st century careerists is cretino-nominative art. They tend to blame Duchamp for this.

Duchamp invented nominative art with his “Readymades” of the 1910s. Replacing the blue-collar manual labour of producing art with the white-collar managerialism of declaring it, Duchamp’s “creative act” was a blasphemous and unrepeatable event. Theologically, Duchamp’s act of creation apes God’s. Artistically it denies the power of art history and aesthetics. Such an act is unreproducable both practically and conceptually. It is a Badiouan event, a year zero.

This has been lost on the growing hordes of self-nominated (fnarr) heirs to Duchamp’s legacy. They point their magic finger at something and the art bit gets set on it. It’s a Meinongian ontology with artistic status replacing physical existence. To spell it out, it’s not Guitar Hero or the air guitar championships, it’s landfill indie. And after a couple of hours you nominate the entire universe and move on. Unless you also discover semiotics.

Semiotics is the art of textual ventriloquism. No matter what an object is or does, semiopsy will reveal amazing truths about it that are even more amazingly always congruent with hegemonic academic opinion. When applied to art, semiotics turns art objects into non-art objects and then makes them speak whatever will amuse the audience. Paintings and urinals are simply cultural objects with unreflective content for exegesis. This flattening of the cultural landscape raises semiotics, and the
semiotician, above it. Consumption becomes performance, a blasphemy
rehearsed in discotheques decades ago, and what is applauded is, as
Tony Wilson almost pointed out, the demonstration of taste. The act of
making the blog is a representation of a paradigmatic social and media
activity; the production of blogs.

Found images are often regarded as a subset of nominative art but it’s very rare that an image is simply nominated rather than recreated or reworked in some way. Silk-screen printing, painting, collaging or even re-photographing the image are interventions that work against the creative act being simply a matter of nomination. It is not until the era of digital images that nominating an image becomes as simple as nominating an object. This appears to be exemplified in group found image blogs.

In group found image blogs the artist becomes a DJ weaving a narrative of images. DJ Spooky’s “interrogation of meaning” would haunt this if not for the fact that nominating images to be art that will be subject to semiopsy is a category error akin to asking how many calories are in a communion wafer. Once the object is nominated as art its history and associations as a non-art object are gone, transubstantiated away. Since semiopsy is impossible, or would at most de-art rather than en-art the nominated image, the art must be somewhere else, such as in the creative act of producing the blog as art rather than as a blog.

This would make group found image blogs yet another form of pastoral, a high-cultural depiction of low-cultural subjects in order to extend the hegemony of high cultural values. These are not shepherds unknowingly illustrating Biblical scenes, they are resources (human or artistic) being managed to create value that accrues to the manager. Image nomination blogs share with relational art the culture of managerialism, outsourcing and the service industry. That capitalism has moved beyond the deskilling that produced relationalism is news that hasn’t reached the artworld yet. [And the complicity of myself and much recent cultural criticism in this is something I have yet to react to.]

Unless you are within the real-world social network that the blog is a product of you will not be able to recover its social production. This is the case with most social blogs, they are the reification of clique activity. [A point I missed until Paddy at Art Fag City, and Dana Boyd’s thesis, corrected my thinking on this.] Far from transparently depicting greater democracy or participation, group blogs based on nomination of found images performed as art are opaque, exclusionary and exploitative. The depiction fails because it is a depiction. It shares this problem with much relational art. Marie Antoinette milks her herd.

How, then, could group found image blogs work as art? Simple image DJ-ing on a vague theme will not work in the affective bandwidth of the web unless the juxtapositions of images become heroically incongruous in order to produce figure-ground relationships in the aesthetic and (if we must) semiotic potential differences of successive posts.

Reclaim the dynamic range of postmodernist eclecticism. Introduce compositional form into the flow of posts (slow, slow, quick-quick slow). Use bling as it’s actually used on MySpace profiles. Learn CSS, it won’t kill you. If you’re going to endlessly post the same terribly amusing animated GIFs, at least find some with fleshtones in.

Frighten the Frieds with theatricality, assumed personas, and other ways of embracing the acting-out of making a group image blog that is like a group image blog. Interrogate the relational space of the net with commedia. Act up as well as out.

And start nominating and performing semiopsy on your own activity rather than other people’s. Perhaps the point of the blogs should become the openings and schmoozing and admin work. A feedback loop will align the interests of your career and your art in a way that an interference pattern won’t. And it’ll be a much richer experience for everyone than just one more terribly amusing animated GIF. What happens when Nelson Muntz points and laughs at himself?