Free Culture Uncategorized

Indie Comic Publishers Not Respecting Fair Use

What does the title of this post call to mind? An indie publisher publishing a Mickey Mouse mash-up perhaps. That marxist version of Tintin possibly. You’d be wrong.

Nowdays indie publishers are more likely to be slapping an excessive copyright claim inside their books than treading on anyone else’s copyright. The “Bear” graphic novels I have claim, quite incorrectly, that you can only copy them for the purpose of review. This ignores private study in the UK and Fair Use in the US.

The most shocking example I’ve seen, shocking both for its severity and how cool the publisher doing it used to be, is Fantagraphics discalimer in the back of the new “Castle Waiting” graphic novel. Fantagraphics claim that if you want to reproduce anything from the book for review, you have to contact them for permission.

This is just wrong. Review is explicitly covered by Fair Dealing in the UK, and a standard feature of Fair Use in the US. Fantagraphics should know better, and if they do know better their attempt to reduce the scope of fair use in this way really doesn’t do them any favours. I’ve been reading Fantagraphics books for twenty years. I don’t expect this sort of thing from them.

Every indie publisher should place a notice saying “[Publisher X] respects Fair Use, including at least the right to reproduce this work for review and personal study” on their copyright page or in their copyright block. Any who refuse (possibly out of fear of offending Disney or UPS) suck like a vampire bat undr a cow. 

Personal Uncategorized


One of the things that always makes me feel very proud is supporting people in little ways to help them achieve big things.

Today was one such day. 



Free Culture Uncategorized

CopyCamp | An unconference for artists about the Internet and the challenge to copyright

CopyCamp | An unconference for artists about the Internet and the challenge to copyright

CopyCamp is a place to meet people making art and making waves, an opportunity to discover how the Internet can work for artists and fans, and a chance to debate the value(s) of copyright with some of the key players. It is an event in which participants drive the programming, and debates are genuine round-tables. There are no observers: everyone has something to offer and is expected to contribute.

Free Culture Uncategorized



Welcome! This is the first post on the REMIXWORD Blog. This is an experiment in creativity, and I am very excited.

A few details to get out of the way first…

-All the content on this blog is original and created by yours truly, Mitch Featherston.

-All of the content on this blog is free.

-All content on this blog is covered under a Creative Commons Attribution Sharealike 2.5 license.

-In time, there will be a wide range of content on this blog, including texts, photos, illustrations, procedural art, fractals, textures, abstract material, sounds, video, and much more!

The main reason this blog exists is to encourage creativity. I will not be accepting content or remixes from others on this site… I am a one-person operation, and I simply don’t have the time to clear rights or deal with such things. I encourage you to create your own blog, use any material you wish from this site, and make up your own material. REMIX!!!

Aesthetics Generative Art Uncategorized

What Is The Schillinger System

What Is The Schillinger System

The idea behind the Schillinger System is simple and inevitable: it undertakes the application of mathematical logic to all the materials of music and to their functions

And to art as well (in “The Mathematical Basis Of The Arts”). A complete mathematical system for composition from the mid 20th Century.

Generative Art Uncategorized

nutrition data visualization – data visualization & visual culture – information aesthetics

nutrition data visualization – data visualization & visual culture – information aesthetics

an online visualization tool that allows for the visual exploration of foods

Nice data visualisation.

Aesthetics Generative Art Uncategorized

BibliOdyssey: The Visual Context of Music

BibliOdyssey: The Visual Context of Music

“A musical notation is a language which determines what you can say;
what you want to say determines your language.” [Cornelius Cardew 1961]

A stunning vollection of expressionistic musical scores.

Generative Art Uncategorized


EmoticonEmoticon is a programming langauge based on emoticons, or smileys, such as those that excessivly litter many bad emails and Usenet postings. In Emoticon these smileys become program instructions, while anything surrounding them becomes data. With some cunning it should be possible to embed Emoticon code in any normal message, though any reader would probably end up being very confused at what mood you were trying to convey!A web based Emoticon Interpreter, written in PHP, is available on this site. Thanks Dave!