links Projects

Projects From 2011

Balloon Dog:
Exploring Art Data:
Art Open Data:
The Colours In My Studio:
Streaming Aesthetics (Shape):
Send Values:
The R Cultural Analytics Library:
Mona Lisa Of Disapproval:
links Projects

2011 Links

Since last April I’ve been posting collections of links to Netbehaviour . These are links that I’ve found during my web browsing that are on the subject of art, technology and society. I try to arrange them to create associations or narratives wherever possible.

I’ve written a script to convert a calendar year’s worth of links from emails to an HTML page for browsing.

Here it is:

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2012 Rob Myers 
# Licenced GPLv3 or later
# Imports
import cgi
import email
import mailbox
import re
import sys
import time
# Configuration
links_year = "2011"
mailbox_path = "/home/rob/.thunderbird/tq4afdtc.default/ImapMail/"
# The messages
messages = [message for message in mailbox.mbox(mailbox_path).itervalues() \
if message['subject'] \
and message['subject'].startswith('[NetBehaviour] Links') \
and links_year in message['date']]
# Sort messages by date. As they may have been files out of order
# Wasteful as we parse it again later
messages.sort(key=lambda m: time.mktime(email.utils.parsedate(m['Date'])))
# Reformat and print the links with their commentary
print "Links For %s" % links_year
print "

Links For %s

" % links_year for message in messages: # Keep track of whether the last line was commentary (or links/whitespace) last_line_was_commentary = False # Print a YYYY-MM-DD date as the title date = email.utils.parsedate(message['Date']) print '


' % (date[0], date[1], date[2]) # Email structure is...interesting... for part in message.walk(): if part.get_content_type() == "text/plain": body = part.get_payload(decode=True) break elif part.get_content_type() == "text/html": body = part.get_payload(decode=True) # Strip html tags to give plain text body = re.sub(r'<.*?>', '', body) # Keep trying to find text # Strip footer try: body = body.split('_______________________')[0] except: print >> sys.stderr, "Can't get body for %s %s" % (message['date'], message['subject']) pass # Regularize leading and trailing whitespace body = body.strip() for line in body.split('\n'): stripped = line.strip() if '://' in stripped: print '

' print '%s' % (stripped, stripped) print '

' last_line_was_commentary = False elif stripped != '': # Join multi-line commentary into single line if last_line_was_commentary: print ' ', print '%s' % cgi.escape(line) last_line_was_commentary = True else: last_line_was_commentary = False print '
' print 'Links curated by Rob Myers.
' print ''

And you can download an archive of the links here: links-2011.html.gz

There are a couple of glitches in the file as a result of the ad-hoc nature of the original emails. Finding them is left as an exercise for the reader.

Art Open Data links

Art Open Data Links

Jonathan Gray’s slides on “Open Data in the Arts and Humanities”:

Ben Werdmuller von Elgg’s blog post “Open data in the arts: an introduction”:

Culture Grid Hack day (now delayed until early next year):



Quantitative Aesthetics: the most popular colours in the web’s brand logos.

I have just created a google group about hierohacking: the goal of
this group will be to discuss applied neurotheology, see how we can
“hack the sacred”, use intelligently and rationally religious thinking
and practices for personal purposes; discussion will be of course about
various ASC (altered states of consciousness), technologies, BCI, etc.
But also about the creation of symbolic architectures and mythologies.

Crowdsourced literature: Amazon Mechanical Turk workers asked to write a Proust blog.

15th Anniversary “Hackers” Party – Celebrating the 1995 film about hacking that’s so bad, hackers love it.

Free Culture Free Software Generative Art links

Links Roundup 2010-03-26

Miguel de Icaza acknowledges Mono’s past problems with patents, but not its current ones –
Theora is not more of a patent threat than h246, Gruber 😉 –
Gruber’s Theora journey continues (answers to his questions – because it would be easier to establish the precedent while the MPEG-LA won’t face massive retaliation from cross-licensees, and it depends on the text of the licence)  –
An example of “open source” hardware’s growing pains. Ideas of “openness”, “share-alike” and “the commons” can easily be misleading here: it is only users of hardware who need schematics in order to protect their freedom, the original authors of the schematics neither need nor are owed them, and the freedom of users of simple hardware may not be restricted by the lack of schematics (I don’t know) –
The UK GIS industry’s largest players are, unsurprisingly, against making Ordinance Survey data free despite the fact that it would be better for the economy than they are-
Synthetic biology meets art, you can apply for a residency in the UK or the US until March 31st 2010. Mutate and take over the artworld! –
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Aesthetics links

Steampunk Primary Sources II

More PDFs (and sometimes epubs) of original Victorian and Edwardian books of interest to Steampunks. See part one here, and how these books were found here.

Automata (1893)

Automobiles (1900)

Babbage On The Difference Engine (1864)

Engineering (1860)

Factories (1844)

The Jacquard Loom (1895)

Lovelace On The Difference Engine (1853)


Mechanisms (1868)

Shipbuilding (1869)

Free Culture Howto links

Wikimedia Hates Art

I have a lot of respect for the Wikimedia Foundation, everyone I’ve met from it have been great people and I use their software and projects daily. I was proud to take part in the Wikipedia Loves Art event earlier this year. But as an artist I am disappointed and offended by Wikimedia’s treatment of a contemporary art project.

Whatever lawyers who charge for each letter they send out on your behalf may tell you, and whatever your opinion of contemporary art, there are strong precedents in the US supporting free speech under the first amendment for artists who use trademarks. To demand that artists transfer resources to a trademark holder or face legal action is therefore not just a chilling effect on free speech but legally shaky.

The EFF, to their credit, point this out here –

And details on an artwork and lawsuit that provide an important precedent can be found here –

Wikimedia’s response has been to disparage the concerns of the artists and the EFF –

Other web sites have picked up on this, and are supporting the artists –

The problem with Wikimedia’s over-reaching application of their trademark to the material detrement of artists is a chilling effect on freedom of speech. Wikimedia owe the artists and the EFF an apology. This behaviour really is beneath such an excellent organization.

Free Culture Howto links

Script to Convert rms-essays to Plucker Format


# Copyright 2009 Rob Myers
# Licenced under the GPL 3 or, at your option, any later version.

# Produce a Plucker version of Free Software, Free Society
# Some texinfo errors not fixed

# Convert eps images to GIFs

convert images/clib.eps images/clib.gif
convert images/code.eps images/code.gif
convert images/flex.eps images/flex.gif
convert images/free_software_song.eps images/free_software_song.gif
convert images/headMain.eps images/headMain.gif
convert images/party.eps images/party.gif
convert images/richard.eps images/richard.gif
convert images/philosophical-gnu.eps images/philosophical-gnu.gif

# Fix texinfo problems

perl -pe 's/@heading\{(.*)\}/@heading $1/' -i fs_for_freedom.texi

perl -pe 's/^\\input texinfo_times.tex//' \
-i rms-essays.texi

echo "\
@alias unnumberedfootnote = footnote
@end ifnottex

@macro sp1
@sp 1
@end macro
@end ifnottex

@include rms-essays.texi
" > rms-essays-html.texi

# Convert to plucker

makeinfo --html --no-headers --no-split --force -o rms-essays.html \

perl -pe 's/^(
Art Computing Free Culture Howto links

FLOSS Manuals To Plucker

# Copyright 2009 Rob Myers
# Licenced under the GPL version 3 or, at your option, any later version.

if [ "$1" == "" ]; then
echo "Please enter name of manual directory on server (e.g. FlossManuals)."
echo "You can find this by going to the printable version of the manual."
exit 1;

plucker-build --zlib-compression --stayonhost --bpp=8 -p . \
-f $1 --staybelow=$1/ \$1/print

links for 2007-11-21