Art History Art Open Data

Art Data Analysis: The Sale Of The Late King’s Goods

late_king.pngIn “The Sale Of The Late King’s Goods” (Macmillan, 2006, ISBN 1405041528) Jerry Brotton surveys the inventories, invoices and auction records of the art collected by King Charles I.

This isn’t quantitative analysis of art data but Brotton does use the use of data such as the purchase dates, prices and other hard facts of Charles’s art collection during his life and after the King’s execution to drive and underwrite the dramatic narrative of artistic and political history.

Art History Art Open Data

Art Data Analysis: Old Masters Auctions And The Weather (Contains link to download full PDF)


“Psychological evidence predicts that sunny weather is associated with an upbeat mood. Although standard economic theory presumes invariant preferences and full rationality, the finance literature has documented a strong relationship between morning sunshine in the city of a country’s stock exchange and daily market index returns. In this paper we examine the effect of different weather conditions on art auction selling prices. Our sample includes art prices at auctions conducted from 1786 to 1909 in England. With respect to the main variables identified by the literature as being associated with agents’ moods, we find that the length of daylight duration (from sunrise to sunset) on which the auction is conducted has a significant positive effect on the auction selling prices in all our model specifications. In addition, we find in some specifications direct positive effects of hours of sunshine during the day, precipitation, temperature, and whether the daylight duration increases relative to the previous day, on auction selling prices.”

One of the advantages of having multiple large historical datasets freely available is that they can be combined or cross-referenced to find novel information. Such as that art auctions affected by the weather.

Aesthetics Art History Art Open Data

Exploring Art Data 14

If we save the data of Roger de Piles’ scores for artists to a csv file we can load them into R:

## Load the tab separated values for the table of artist scores
colClasses=c("character", "integer", "integer", "integer",
## Replace NA values with zero
nas<-which(, arr.ind=TRUE)
scores[nas[1], nas[2]]<-0
## Create the total score
scores<-cbind(scores, Total=apply(scores[2:5], 1, sum))

This allows us to find the lowest and highest scores:

## Min, max of each score
scoreMinMax<-function(scores, column){
cat(column, "\nMin (", lowest, "): ", sep="")
cat(scores$Painter[scores[column] == lowest], sep=", ")
cat("\nMax (", highest, "): ", sep="")
cat(scores$Painter[scores[column] == highest], sep=", ")
> scoreMinMax(scores, "Composition")
Min (0): Guido Reni, Gianfrancesco Penni
Max (18): Guercino, Rubens
> scoreMinMax(scores, "Drawing")
Min (6): Giovanni Bellini, Lucas van Leyden, Caravaggio, Palma il Vecchio, Rembrandt
Max (18): Raphael
> scoreMinMax(scores, "Colour")
Min (0): Pietro Testa
Max (18): Giorgione, Titian
> scoreMinMax(scores, "Expression")
Min (0): Jacopo Bassano, Giovanni Bellini, Caravaggio, Palma il Vecchio, Gianfrancesco Penni
Max (18): Raphael
> scoreMinMax(scores, "Total")
Min (23): Gianfrancesco Penni
Max (65): Raphael, Rubens

Cluster the artists:

## Clustering Utilities clustersNames<-function(clusters, names){ clusterCount<-length(clusters$size)<-lapply(1:clusterCount, function(cluster){ names[clusters$cluster == cluster]}) } printClustersNames<-function(clustersNames){ clusterCount<-length(clustersNames) for(cluster in 1:clusterCount){ cat("Cluster", cluster, ":", paste(unlist(clustersNames[cluster]), collapse=", "), "\n\n") } } ## Cluster based on the numeric scores. 8 = 2x2x2 (Low/High) clusters<-kmeans(scores[2:5], 8) names<-clustersNames(clusters, scores$Painter) printClustersNames(names)

Cluster 1 : Correggio, Rembrandt, Van Dyck
Cluster 2 : Andrea del Sarto, Federico Barocci, Daniele da Volterra, Guercino, Lucas Jordaens, Giovanni Lanfranco, Otho Venius, Perin del Vaga, Primaticcio, Francesco Salviati, Taddeo Zuccari
Cluster 3 : Charles Le Brun, Il Domenichino, Giulio Romano, Leonardo da Vinci, Eustache Le Sueur
Cluster 4 : I Carracci, Raphael, Rubens, Vanius
Cluster 5 : Guido Reni, Gianfrancesco Penni
Cluster 6 : Jacopo Bassano, Giovanni Bellini, Caravaggio, Murillo, Palma il Vecchio
Cluster 7 : Sebastian Bourdon, Cavalier D'Arpino, Albrecht Dürer, Lucas van Leyden, Michelangelo, Il Parmigianino, Pietro Testa, Federico Zuccari
Cluster 8 : Abraham van Diepenbeeck, Giorgione, Giovanni da Udine, Holbein, Jacob Jordaens, Palma il Giovane, Sebastiano del Piombo, Teniers, Tintoretto, Titian, Veronese

And graph the scores:

## Stacked bar chart
## Allow room for names at bottom and legend at right
## 7 is from trial and error
par(xpd=T, mar=par()$mar+c(7,0,0,7))
barplot(t(as.matrix(scores[2:5])), names.arg=scores$Painter,
main="Roger de Piles' Ratings", col=rainbow(4), las=2, border=NA)
## Position legend in right margin
## 60 is from trial and error
legend(60, 60, names(scores[2:5]), fill=rainbow(5), cex=0.75)


Add category Art History Art Open Data

Art Data Analysis: Venus Iconography

Afbeelding 4.pngVenus Iconography

The Topical Catalogues are a resource for further studies and offer a tool to develop applications of the quantitative approach in art history.
The application of an inverse power law, known as Lotka’s law of scientific productivity, is a singularity in art history

Another well-defined art historical study with useful conclusions. K. Bender has assembled catalogues of depictions of the goddess Venus from various regions, and analysed the resulting data. The results fit a power law.

Art History Art Open Data

Google Books Art History 2

En français:

Gazette des beaux-arts

Le trésor de la curiosité 1

Le trésor de la curiosité 2

Histoire des peintres de toutes les écoles: école Flamande

Catalogue de la galerie des tableaux



Aesthetics Art History Art Open Data

Art Data Analysis: Dissecting The Canon

venus-long-tail.pngDissecting the Canon: Visual Subject Co-Popularity Networks in Art Research

This is a well-defined statistical study of the art historical literature of a particular period. It counts the number of times that ancient artworks are mentioned in Renaissance art literature. By measuring the popularity and co-popularity of artworks it uncovers several interesting facts.

Firstly, canons are identical with the most popular items over a distribution of popularity. Secondly, sub-tails of genres or subjects have broadly the same properties as the main long tail of which they are a sub-tail. And thirdly the co-popularity of otherwise unrelated monuments may be a product of their spatial proximity at the time they were documented in the renaissance.

These facts are interesting in themselves and indicate further possibilities for research. They are also of use to more theoretical or social art historical approaches.

(I originally posted about this here.)

Aesthetics Art Open Data

Art Data Analysis: Dating Site Aesthetics

“We all know that
beautiful people are more successful daters, but let’s quantify by exactly
how much.”

“In looking closely at the astonishingly wide variety of ways our users
have chosen to represent themselves, we discovered much of the collective
wisdom about profile pictures was wrong.”

“Today, however, we’ll analyze photography from a numerical angle—we’ll discuss flash, focus, and aperture instead.”

“We selected 526,000 OKCupid users at random and divided them into groups by their (self-stated)
race. We then took all these people’s profile essays (280 million words
in total!) and isolated the words and phrases that made each racial
group’s essays statistically distinct from the others’.”

The first three posts are aesthetic analyses of a large dataset of images that is strongly correlated to human activity (sending messages and dating). The fourth is an attempt to correlate taste with cultural identity. This is all really interesting as quantitative aesthetics.

Aesthetics Art Open Data

Art Data Analysis: Fantasy Book Covers

Behold, the legendary Chart of Fantasy Art! (2008)

Every year we ask our summer intern to do a survey of cover art elements
for the top fantasy novels published in the previous year. This year,
our wonderful intern Jennifer looked at covers from 2009, and compared
them against 2008′s findings. Over the next few days we’ll be releasing
a number of charts that show what she found.

Aesthetics Art Open Data

Aesthetic Evaluation


M = O / C

Where O is the degree of order of the work, C is the degree of complexity, and M is the aesthetic measure.

Gips & Stiny:

Ez<α, β> = L(β) / L(α)

Where <α, β> is an interpretation of a work, L(α) is the length of the input component of the interpretation and L(β) is the length of the output component of the interpretation, and Ez<α, β> is the aesthetic value assigned to the interpretation.

Aesthetics Art Open Data

Adorno On Quantitative Aesthetics

If an empirically oriented aesthetics uses quantitative averages as norms, it unconsciously sides with social conformity. What such an aesthetics classifies as pleasing or painful is never a sensual given of nature but something preformed by society as a whole, by what it sanctions and censors, and this has always been challenged by artistic production.

Theodor Adorno, “Aesthetic Theory”, p.267 (Athlone), p.347 (Continuum).