Free Culture

I’ve Created A Monster, And Nobody…

“E” by Meme, on Loca Records, is one of my favourite songs of all time.

This is an interesting context for it.

I’ve only myself to blame.


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links for 2007-06-24


links for 2007-06-23


GPS Locations Of..

some dog shit
N 52°35.130′
W 00°14.581′

a broken television set
N 52°35.142′
W 00°14.577

a large Subway drinks cup
N 52°35.138′
W 00°14.580′

a beer bottle stood upright
N 52°35.143′
W 00°14.566′

two cigarette butts
N 52°35.095′
W 00°14.599′

a cigarette packer
N 52°35.108′
W 00°14.592′

some vomit
N 52°35.140′
W 00°14.568′

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links for 2007-06-22

Aesthetics Howto Notebook Satire

if and iff

Logical if (→) and iff (↔) are doing my head in.

→ is if, the “conditional connective”. A → B means that A can be true only if B is true.

So → is false when A is true despite B being false. But otherwise it’s true. Because we don’t care about those scenarios. I don’t know why. I suppose otherwise it would just be ∧ . I’m going to have to just accept this like the dot product, which also doesn’t fit into my mathematical worldview, which is based on cakes.

↔ is iff, the “biconditional connective”. A ↔ B is equivalent to [(A → B) ∧ (B → A)].

See? It’s bi-conditional. So ↔ is false when A → B ∧ (B → A), or B → A ∧ (A → B) . Possibly I can come to terms with → as half of ↔ .

Next: the Axiom Schema Of Separation and how you can’t model that using cakes either.

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links for 2007-06-21


I Won A Book!

I won a book from an a-n magazine competition!

“The Nature Of The Beast” by Richard Hylton, published by ICIA 2007.
ISBN 0861971361

Thank you a-n!

Aesthetics Projects

Fixing The LeWitt 4×4 Set Comprehension

I got the LeWitt set comprehensions wrong. I’ve fixed the others (I edited this blog without declaring it, I feel unclean…) but the 4 line, 4 colour one was a bit harder. Here’s a sketch for the fixed version.C = {r,y,b,k}L = {|, \, /, -}V = C x L = {(r, |), … (k, -)}W = PV = {{(r, |)}, .. {(r, |), … (k, -)}}X = {x :∈ W | #x > 0 ^ #x < 5} % All sets of 1..4Y = {x :∈ X | #x = # U (U x) } % All sets with unique first pair itemsZ = {x :∈ Y, y :∈ x • U (U y)} % Each item of each member set combinedAlternative Z:Z = {x :∈ Y • U (U x)} % Each member set combined

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Free Culture

Is That It?

Free Culture is just freedom of speech. Is that it?

As Lessig so eloquently explains in “Free Culture”, we have been facing a perfect storm of factors that act to limit, among other things, free speech. Since “Free Culture” was written we have faced further governmental and economic reductions in the possibility of pluralism in the US and the UK (where I am). Protecting freedom of speech is vital to protecting pluralism and to keeping our societies open. This is hardly a side issue.

Negative free speech can be aided by lobbying for legal reform and by activism against state, corporate and community closure and capture of public debate.

Positive free speech can be aided by economic, technological and social innovation and organization.

So freedom of speech doesn’t reduce the challenges or limit the options, it clarifies and underwrites them for both activists and entrepeneurs.

And “speech” isn’t just speech.

A journalist once chided Lessig for an example from “Free Culture”. A group of kids were given access to video production equipment, allowing them to document and communicate their situation in a way that was, for them, unprecedented. The journalist asked why they couldn’t just pick up guitars, accusing Lessig of technological reification.

Even assuming they could afford guitars the answer would be no different: because the public conversation that shapes our society today is formed in the media. A democracy cannot and must not have a media underclass. Freedom of speech means the freedom to participate in the discussion of society as peers in whatever form that discussion takes. That form is changing faster today than ever, and keeping that conversation open is vital.

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